The Benefits of a Good Content Management System

Vicki Nichols - Thumbnail

Vicki Nichols

Digital Marketing Lead

A lot of websites these days are built with a platform known as a Content Management System.

A content management system (CMS) is software used to manage the content of a website such as WordPress. They are very convenient for users with little knowledge of websites to easily create and manage the content of their website. This includes adding pages, adding blog posts, and editing certain elements of their homepage and menu.

Below are some of the many points you can benefit from by having a digital agency such as ours create a website for your business using a content management system.


As mentioned, a CMS can allow business owners and employees with little or no digital knowledge are easily able to update the content of their website including images and certain elements.


Content management systems are very flexible. This is especially true if you’re hiring a website developer to code certain elements of the template and then make them editable to the backend user.

Use of Plugins

Content management systems offer a range of installable plugins. These offer a wide range of different uses, for example, page duplication, conversion tracking, and many other solutions.

Easily Add Admin Users

With a CMS you can easily add as many admin users with their own secure logins as you wish. This means many employees will be able to assist in content creation and editing. You can also change permissions so that nothing will be published until it has been approved by admin.

SEO Friendly

CMS websites are also SEO friendly and are highly considered by Google. There is also a range of plugins such as Yoast which provides SEO assistance to help your content be as optimised as possible.

If you would like to discuss creating your bespoke website with us, get in touch today. We promise to design and build a bespoke website that’s unique to your business!

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