How Strategic Digital Advertising Transformed ECA's Membership Acquisition Efforts


  • Custom Development
  • Digital Marketing


high-quality leads in first month


potential ROI from Ads

The Client

ECA stands as the foremost trade association for the electrotechnical services industry in the United Kingdom, serving members across England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. With a commitment to fostering excellence and innovation within the sector, ECA plays a vital role in representing the interests of its members while upholding the highest standards of professionalism and quality.

Group of Electrical Contractors

The Situation

After running Paid Ads internally for a few years, ECA recognised more time was needed to improve the account then they could allocate.

They knew more could be done to reach and engage more potential members and a more sophisticated Paid Ads strategy was needed improve member signups and generate a strong ROI.

The Thinking

To meet the challenge, our team embarked on a comprehensive strategy centred around enhancing conversion tracking and refining budget allocation.

Recognising the significance of understanding user interactions and campaign effectiveness, we focused on deploying accurate tracking of key conversion actions and implementing a well balanced set of ad campaigns.

Examples of Design work for a Case Study for Member Association ECA

The Solution

A key aspect of our solution involved a strategic shift in account priorities, with a focus on prioritising form conversions over mere landing page engagements. This shift enabled us to allocate advertising budgets more effectively, targeting high-quality search terms that attracted more qualified leads to ECA’s membership offerings.

The Result

The results of our efforts were nothing short of remarkable. In just the first month of implementation, we secured 27 high-quality leads across LinkedIn and Google platforms. This success not only demonstrated the enhanced digital marketing capabilities of our team but also projected an impressive potential ROI of nearly £100,000 for ECA. These achievements underscored the potency of our targeted approach and highlighted the importance of continuous refinement in digital advertising strategies.

Through strategic thinking, meticulous planning, and relentless execution, we were able to help ECA achieve significant milestones in expanding its member base and reinforcing its position as the leading authority in the electrotechnical services industry.

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